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Psychodynamic approach to teaching medical students about the bioethics

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Bermant-Polyakova O.V. Psychodynamic approach to teaching medical students about the bioethics // Bioethics. 2015. Issue 1(15). P. 30-34.

Abstract. Psychodynamic methods are well-known as an effective tool in increasing students’ self-mindedness, setting up reflection thinking strategies and improving their communication skills. The article represents an evaluation and review of the latest foreign studies on moral decision-making. The author introduces the number of recent Russian psycho-diagnostics development through and by which a comprehensive understanding of the emotional and the ethical processes have been achieved. The paper proposes the original method to deal with ethical reasoning. Using it as a tool enables a teacher to diagnose the ethical attitudes of students and the level of their inadequacy if exists. Moreover, the decision-making algorithms in case of ethical dilemmas may be worked through and reorganized in the teaching process applying this method.

Key words: moral decision-making, psychodiagnostic, teaching bioethics, ethical reasoning, ethical dilemmas

Full text of the article is avaliable on

The original method to deal with ethical reasonong had published on the official website of Olga Bermant-Polyakova, PhD

Psychological e-volunteering among Russian speakers

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10-й Международный конгресс по биоэтике, медицинской этике и законодательству в сфере медицины проходил 6-8 января 2015 года в Иерусалиме, Израиль, я рассказывала о нём

10th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, сайт конгресса

На Конгрессе я представляла стендовый доклад о работе сообщества "Сами себе психологи". Тезисы доклада опубликованы в книге:

Bermant-Polyakova O.V. (2015) Psychological e-volunteering among Russian speakers // UNESCO Chair in Bioethics 10th World Conference on Bioethics, Medical Ethics and Health Law, Book of Abstracts. P.89.

An ethical message is delivered to society, into the mind and into daily life and behaviour, by traditional educational and legal ways. This task may be realized by a novel way of e-volunteering. An online volunteer is a volunteer who completes tasks, in whole or in part, via Internet. Currently there is no organization tracking the best practices in e-volunteering, amount of people are engaged in online volunteering, or how many organizations involve online volunteers.

When an ethical thought, moral values and principles determine a construction and technique of interaction, a new format of relationship, similar to psychotherapeutic setting, comes into being in virtual space. This template exists in unique online volunteering community "Be Your Own Shrink" on Live Journal.

Thousands of Russian speakers from 65 countries engage in collaborative work online that provides psychological support and psycho-educational help nonstop. An archive of transcripts counts 19,200 group discussions, subdivided into 70 categories.

All texts are available online; the access is free of charge. During the last twelve years the amount of participants has grown significally, and now there are 30,000 Live Journal users, 120,000 participants from other social networks, and about 400 requests and 2,8 million watches of request's discussions per month on the site

We report about setting, psychotherapeutic effects, management issues, ethical dilemmas, e-volunteering trends and opportunities in our work, based on seven years practice of co-directoring the community.

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